HC Deb 27 July 1983 vol 46 c485W
33. Mr. Sims

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he is satisfied with European Community policies to prevent impediments to trade.

Mr. Channon

Not completely. Her Majesty's Government play a full part in Community discussions on this topic. Our policy is to persuade the Community to remove impediments to both internal and external trade.

42. Sir Anthony Meyer

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what proposals he has for removing barriers to trade in invisibles within the European Community.

Mr. Channon

The Government attach a high priority to removing the remaining barriers to trade, in both visibles and invisibles, throughout the Community. We will continue to work in all appropriate sectors to secure the adoption of the necessary Community legal instruments. Important among these, in the sectors within my Department's area of responsibility, is the proposal for a second Council directive on non-life insurance. We have continued to press for the adoption of this directive in terms which will genuinely liberalise the Community's insurance market.