§ Mr. Foulkesasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what arrangements he will make for pre-service training and in-service training of Roman Catholic teachers in the east of Scotland when the Craiglockhart campus of St. Andrews college closes.
§ Mr. Allan StewartDetailed arrangements for teacher training in particular areas are a matter for individual colleges of education. I understand that the governing
§ Mr. John MacKayThe following table sets out by category of award the number of consultants and community medicine specialists holding distinction and meritorious service awards at 30 November 1982 in each health board and in the Common Services Agency. The present value of each category of award for a full-time NHS practitioner is also shown in the table.
body of St. Andrew's college of education has decided that, for educational reasons, all pre-service training will be conducted, as from the 1984–85 academic session, at Bearsden. The governing body intends, however, to continue in-service training in the east of Scotland and is considering how this can best be organised in future.