HC Deb 19 July 1983 vol 46 cc86-7W
17. Sir Anthony Meyer

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what percentage of persons aged between 18 and 21 years is in full-time employment.

Mr. Alan Clark

The 1981 labour force survey shows that, in the second quarter of 1981, 76 per cent. of persons aged 18 and under 21 in Great Britain who were in the labour force were employees in full-time employment.

18. Mr. John Fraser

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many people are registered as unemployed in employment offices and careers offices in Lambeth; and how many vacancies are currently available there.

Mr. Peter Morrison

At 9 June, the number of unemployed claimants in the jobcentre areas covering Lambeth was 19,750. On 3 June in Greater London as a whole there were 24,400 vacancies at jobcentres and 2,100 at careers offices. Moreover, these notified vacancies account for only one third of all vacancies in the economy.

24. Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the present rate of unemployment.

Mr. Gummer

The June rate of unemployment in the United Kingdom was 12.5 per cent.

28. Mr. Strang

asked the Secretary of Stale for Employment how many people have been unemployed for 52 weeks or more; and what proportion of the total number unemployed this constitutes.

Mr. Gummer

At 14 April, the latest date for which the information is available, there were 1,143,436 unemployed claimants in the United Kingdom who had been unemployed for over 52 weeks. This represents 36.1 per cent. of the total number of unemployed claimants at that date.

36. Mr. Roy Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the latest number and percentage of those who are unemployed (a) overall and (b) expressed on a regional basis.

Mr. Gummer

The June figure for unemployed claimants in the United Kingdom was 2,983,921 and the unemployment rate was 12.5 per cent. These figures do not include 128,433 unemployed school leavers under 18 years registered at careers offices who are not yet entitled to benefit. The comparable regional figures were published in the unemployment and vacancies press notice issued by my Department on 30 June; a copy is in the House of Commons Library.

42. Mr. John Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the total number of people unemployed in the United Kingdom at the latest available date.

Mr. Peter Morrison

At 9 June there were 2,983,921 unemployed claimants in the United Kingdom.

43. Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what were the numbers of persons unemployed for more than one year in May 1979 and at the latest available date.

Mr. Gummer

In April 1979—figures for May are not available-there were 366,711 people in the United Kingdom who had been registered as unemployed for more than 52 weeks. In April 1983 the number of claimants who had been unemployed for more than 52 weeks was 1,143,436.

46. Mr. Ioan Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the number of people in full-time employment in the United Kingdom at the latest available date; and how this compares with May 1979.

Mr. Gummer

Comprehensive information on the number of full-time employees in the United Kingdom during this period is available only from the census of employment, the most recent two of which were conducted in 1981 and 1978.

There were 17,073,000 full-time employees in September 1981 compared with 18,285,000 in June 1978.

48. Mr. Flannery

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many unemployed people have been unemployed for more than one year at the latest available date.

Mr. Gummer

In April 1983, the latest date for which the information is available, there were 1,143,436 unemployed claimants in the United Kingdom who had been unemployed for more than 52 weeks.

Mr. Andrew Bowden

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the percentage of unemployed (a) males and (b) females in the Brighton travel-to-work area for the following age groups: 16 to 18 years, 19 to 21 years, 22 to 30 years, 31 to 40 years, 41 to 50 years, 51 to 60 years and 61 to 65 years.

Mr. Gummer

The following is the information from the April unemployment count, the latest date for which an age analysis is available, for the age groups nearest to those specified.

Percentage of total unemployed
Age Males Females
Under 19 years 7.9 14.7
19 years 3.8 6.6
20 to 24 vears 17.4 23.1
25 to 29 years 12.3 12.0
30 to 39 years 19.0 13.8
40 to 49 years 12.7 11.4
50 to 59 years 16.3 18.3
60 to 64 years 10.5
65 years and over 0.1
* combined figures only available.