HC Deb 18 July 1983 vol 46 c34W
Mrs. Dunwoody

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the present annual remuneration to a consultant for a merit award of grade A, B and C; and whether these awards affect consultants' pensions.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The annual value of each grade of distinction award payable to whole time NHS consultants is as follows; with part-time consultants being paid pro-rata:

A+ 20,315
A 15,650
B 9,365
C 4,170

The awards form part of the consultant's salary for superannuation purposes.

Mrs. Dunwoody

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what body decides upon the allocation of merit awards; what is the membership of that body; what criteria are applied in making its decisions; whether there is any right of appeal by consultants; and whether the names of those consultants given such awards are published.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Distinction and merit awards are made by my right hon. Friend on the advice of the advisory committee on distinction awards.

The advisory committee on distinction awards consists of a chairman, vice-chairman and 18 members drawn from the English and Scottish Royal colleges, the Faculty of Anaesthetists, the universities, the Medical Research Council and the general body of consultants. The vice-chairman is always an independent layman.

The criteria for selection for an award are distinguished service to the NHS or, at the B and C levels only, long and meritorious service.

There is no formal right of appeal but any practitioner who feels that his merits have not been given sufficient consideration can put his case to the advisory committee, which will always consider it.

The list of award holders in each region is available for inspection by all consultants employed in that region hut is not otherwise published.