HL Deb 14 July 1983 vol 443 c968WA
Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they have taken to secure the repatriation of two British subjects recently arrested in Turkey and charged with photographing in a military zone, having regard to the fact that the two men were photographing birds with the knowledge of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and maps they were using had been cleared by the Turkish authorities; and whether they are aware that the offence with which the two men have been charged carries the death penalty in Turkey.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Young)

From first being notified of the arrest of Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Buisson both the Embassy in Ankara and the Consulate-General in Istanbul have done everything possible to expedite the legal proceedings and in the meantime to ensure the comfort of the two men. However, Her Majesty's Government cannot intervene in the legal proceedings of another sovereign state. The Consulate-General recently asked the investigating judge whether Mr. Albrecht's and Mr. Buisson's passports might be returned to them. They are already on bail.

The Consulate-General earlier ensured that the information provided by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds was presented to the judge. There have been three court hearings in the case and a fourth is set for 20th July. The charges against Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Buisson are travelling in a military zone and taking photographs and birdwatching in a military zone. These charges do not carry the death penalty. The military authorities have confirmed to the court that they have checked and cleared the maps Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Buisson were carrying.