HC Deb 13 July 1983 vol 45 c356W
Mr. Murphy

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how he intends to ensure that the extra resources for the police are efficiently and effectively used.

Mr. Brittan

Chief officers realise that they need to deploy resources efficiently and effectively. Her Majesty's inspectors of constabulary have been asked to pay particular attention to the way resources are used and to ensure that examples of good practice are widely disseminated. I shall not be prepared to approve increases in police establishments unless I am satisfied that existing strengths are being used to best advantage. My Department issues guidance on particular aspects of police work, with a view to improving both effectiveness in individual forces and, where appropriate, co-ordination nationally. Steps are being taken to improve police training at all levels. The support of the community in reducing opportunities for crime is crucial, if the police are to be able to use their resources, powers and training to best effect.