HC Deb 11 July 1983 vol 45 c267W
Mr. McQuarrie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he proposes to bring in the statutory instrument for the control of klondykers, Norwegians and other European Community nations including the calibration of tanks and certified brails.

Mr. John MacKay

I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply I gave to a similar question of his on Friday 8 July. The control measures which we propose to introduce will require foreign receiving vessels (klondykers) to keep as a condition of their licence comprehensive records of their transactions. The order will extend our existing powers in relation to British vessels to cover transhipments of pelagic fish by all vessels, whether British or foreign, within British fishing limits. This will enable our Fisheries Inspectors more easily to prevent over-quota transhipments.

The question of the calibration of tanks is a matter which relates to fishing vessels and not receiving vessels; we are pursuing with the European Commission the question of making this a requirement for all community vessels and all other vessels with rights to fish in Community waters.