HC Deb 04 July 1983 vol 45 cc45-6W
Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if, pursuant to the reply of 27 June, Official Report, c. 28–29, he will ascertain the actual refund and monetary compensatory amount fixed by the Commission for the sale recently approved by the Commission of 30,000 tons of butter to the Soviet Union; and what was the total subsidy paid by the European Community for this particular transaction.

Mr. MacGregor

The Commission does not publish details of specific commercial transactions. The current export refund is 157.16 ECUs per 100 kg (44p per lb). The MCA varies according to the country of export. In the case of exports from the United Kingdom it would be a payment of approximately 3p per lb.

Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, pursuant to the reply of 27 June, Official Report, c. 29, if the 62 per cent. of total common agricultural policy costs directed towards the subsidised disposal of food surpluses includes the sums paid to owners and occupiers or managers of the public and private stores where the surpluses are located prior to disposal.

Mr. MacGregor

I will reply to my hon. Friend as soon as possible.

Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, pursuant to the reply of 27 June, Official Report, c. 28, why the total cost of subsidies paid to suppliers within the Common Market for exporting food and wine to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is not readily available to Her Majesty's Government; and if any record is maintained by any official body in the United Kingdom or the Common Market of the sums paid out for this purpose.

Mr. MacGregor

The Commission maintains records of the sums paid out in export refunds on food and wine exported to third countries on the basis of regular returns made to it by the intervention agencies in each member state which are responsible for these payments. But the intervention agencies' returns, and hence the Commission's records, do not contain a breakdown of this expenditure by country of destination.