§ The Commission commented in Chapter 11 of their report on questions of competition affecting NBC's Trent Motor Traction subsidiary and Cardiff city transport. Although it did not conclude that the actions of either of these undertakings had amounted to the abuse of a monopoly situation, it did find that both had used their superior financial strength in an attempt to drive off small competitors; and it made clear that it neither condoned nor approved this conduct. The Government for their part regards it as absolutely essential that publicly owned and financed undertakings, when acting in competition with the private sector, should do so on a basis which fully reflects the cost to them of providing the services in question and does not take any unfair advantage of their position in the public sector. It is for the licensing authorities, and not for the operator, to decide where competition would be against the public interest. If they decide to license a competing service, it behoves both operators to compete fairly.