HC Deb 23 February 1983 vol 37 c462W
22. Mr. Sheerman

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he is satisfied that repair grants under SI 1983, No. 1895 will shortly be available to all those owners of industrially built houses who require them; and if he will consider allowing the grant to rise to the rate of 100 per cent. of approved expenditure.

Mr. Stanley

Repair grants under SI 1983, No. 1895 are available only to owners of Airey houses. On any possible extension of the Airey house scheme I cannot add today to my statement on 8 February.—[Vol. 36, c. 893–900.] We consider that Airey house repair grants should be at the same 90 per cent. maximum rate of grant as for other repair grants, though the reimbursement of local authorities by the Exchequer in respect of Airey house repairs grants is at the rate of 100 per cent.