HL Deb 15 February 1983 vol 439 c212WA
Lord O'Hagan

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they are satisfied that British farmers are benefiting sufficiently from EEC grants for agricultural co-operation.

Earl Ferrers

Grants are available under EEC measures towards the launching costs of new agricultural co-operatives in the fruit and vegetables sector to encourage the formation and management of production groups, and to assist joint investment for fodder production in the improvement of hill pastures. Agricultural co-operatives may also be eligible for aid towards the capital cost of marketing or processing projects.

The provisions of these grants schemes are drawn to the attention of those co-operatives which may be eligible by the staff of the Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation whose statutory functions include the encouragement and the development of agricultural co-operatives in the United Kingdom. In general I am satisfied that our farmers are benefiting from the grants which are available under various Community schemes.