§ Mr. Beithasked the Secretary of State for Employment what actual and percentage wage increases have been awarded to skilled assistants by the Retail Trades (Non-Food) Wages Council for each of the last two years; and what increase is now proposed for the current year.
§ Mr. AlisonThe information requested is:
Retail Trade Non-Food Wages Council Basic weekly* rates for adult skilled assistants outside London Effective date Rate Increase Increase £ £ per cent. 6 April 1981 57.40 5.20 10.0 5 April 1982 Proposal 62.50 5.10 8.9 (4 April 1983) (67.5.) (5.0) (8.0) * Rate for 40 hours to 2 January 1983: 39 hours thereafter.
§ Mr. Beithasked the Secretary of State for Employment what recent representations he has had from small businesses in rural areas about the wage increases awarded by the Retail Trades (Non-Food) Wages Council.
§ Mr. AlisonThe Retail Non-Food Council, as required under the Wages Councils Act 1979, gave notice on 4 February of proposed changes in its minimum rates and has allowed 21 days from that date for representations to be made by those affected by the proposals. The council must consider all such representation before deciding whether to confirm or amend such proposals. Representations are made direct to the councils, which are independent of Government and do not publish details of representations received.
We have, however, received several letters protesting about the proposals of the council from employers' associations and individual employers, and these include some from small businesses in rural areas.