HC Deb 10 February 1983 vol 36 cc442-9W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list the voluntary organisations which received grants from his Department in both 1979–80 and 1982–83 under sub-head K2; and what was the amount received by each in each year at 1979–80 prices.

Mr. Newton

[pursuant to his reply, 9 February 1983, c. 411]: Grants are given for specified purposes having regard to the voluntary organisation's financial circumstances. Many grants are given for a limited period to support a specific project often of an experimental nature. There can therefore be no presumption that the amount of grant to any organisation in any two years is directly comparable. The following list shows those organisations which received grants in 1979–80 and for which grants have also been approved for 1982–83:

Vote XI I Sub Head K2(1) 1979–80 1982–83 1982–83 at 1979–80 prices (Based on RPI)
£ £ £
Association of Carers 5,000 3,611
Association of Professions for the Mentally Handicapped 6,000 4,333
Association of Residential Communities 12,000 8,666
Asthma Society 2,000 1,444
Baby Life Support Systems 3,500 2,528
Back Pain Association 22,415 12,750 9,208
Bethnal Green Intermediate Education Centre 26,050
Bexley Moorings 10,500 7,583
Birmingham Settlement 9,000 6,500
Birth Control Trust 1,500
Blenheim Street Agency 7,600 5,489
Breakthrough Trust 10,000
British Association for Adoption and Fostering 243,000 175,495
British Association of Immediate Care 20,000 25,000 18,055
British Association of the Hard of Hearing 9,500 32,500 23,472
British Deaf Association 21,000 15,166
British Diabetic Association 1,500 1,083
British Epilepsy Association 20,000
British Institute of Mental Handicap 21,000 24,000 17,333
British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association 30,000 21,666
British Red Cross 6,600 2,070 1,495
British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society 3,000 5,000 3,611
Brook Advisory Centres 21,000 30,000 21,666
Calibre 4,000 8,000 5,778
Campaign for Single Homeless People 20,000 24,000 17,333
Campaign for the Mentally Handicapped 7,000 14,000 10,111
Catholic Child Welfare Council 5,500
Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 22,142 27,000 19,499
Centre for Policy on Ageing 44,000 31,777
Centre on Environment for the Handicapped 15,000 22,000 15,888
Chest Heart and Stroke Association 5,000 5,000 3,611
Child Accident Prevention Trust 56,685 40,938
Child Poverty Action Group 2,604 15,000 10,833
Children's House Society 6,000
Children's Legal Centre 9,500 6,861
Church of England Children's Society 12,000 123,375 89,101
City Road Crisis Intervention 65,110 85,804 61,968
Clocktower Association 6,750 4,750 3,430
Coeliac Society 7,500 5,417
Combat Huntington's Chorea 12,000 10,000 7,222
Commonwealth Students Children's Society 32,000
Community Drugs Project 5,300 3,828
Community Projects Foundation 18,750 13,541
Community Service Volunteers 117,481 31,250 22,569
Contact 12,000 20,000 14,444
Contact A Family 4,000
Cope 73,500 53,082
Coronary Prevention Group 3,000 2,167
Coventry Day Centre 20,000
Cranstoun Hostel 3,770 2,723
Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes Ltd. 32,929 45,000 32,499
Cruse 44,000 70,000 50,554
Cyrenians 44,000 45,550 32,896
DHSS Award to Mark the World Assembly on Ageing 5,500 3,972
Dial UK 12,500 9,028
Disabled Drivers Association 3,000
Disabled Drivers Motor Club 2,000 3,500 2,528
Disabled Living Foundation 135,000 210,039 151,690
Disablement Income Group 9,000 15,000 10,833
Dorney Parish Eton College Project 8,750 6,319
Downs Children's Association 6,000 4,333
Dr. Barnardos 227,535 164,326
Elderly Invalids Fund 7,000
Elizabeth House Association 10,500 7,583
Employment Fellowship 19,000
Family Forum 17,126 12,368
Family Holiday Association 1,500 2,500 1,806
Family Planning Association 71,500 99,600 71,931
Family Rights Group 5,000 18,250 13,180
Family Service Units 80,000 158,000 114,108
Family Tree 7,000
Family Welfare Association 81,000 104,930 75,780
Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments 56,000 79,580 57,473

Vote XI I Sub Head K2(1) 1979–80 1982–83 1982–83 at 1979–80 prices (Based on RPI)
£ £ £
Fire Precautions 45,027
Fluoridation Society 5,500 15,000 10,833
French Hospital and Dispensary 10,000
Gingerbread 35,000 48,000 34,666
Grubb Institute 4,125
Guideposts Trust 10,000
Hampshire Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 918 20,000 14,444
Handcrafts Advisory Association for the Disabled 8,800 8,800 6,355
Handicapped Adventure Playground Association 1,625 1,174
Headway Association 5,000 3,611
Helen Ley Charitable Trust 5,000 3,611
Helping to get Mentally Handicapped Children out of Hospital — £ for £ Scheme 53,500 38,638
Hertfordshire Standing Conference on Drug Abuse 1,700 1,228
Holiday Care Service 5,000 3,611
Home Base 7,500 5,417
Home Bound Craftsmen 1,000
Home Farm Trust 10,000
Home Start Consultancy 19,000 13,722
Homeless Action and Accommodation 3,000
Hungerford Day Centre for Drug Addicts 12,700 9,172
Deostomy Association of Great Britain 750
Independent Adoption Society 3,545 4,000 2,889
Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence 60,000 136,000 98,219
International Hospital Federation 12,000 30,000 21,666
International Social Service 21,000 30,000 21,666
International Voluntary Service 21,500 18,000 13,000
Invalids At Home Trust 2,000 2,400 1,733
Invalid Children's Aid Association 12,000
Joint Committee on Mobility for the Disabled 500
Kent Council on Alcoholism 1,000 722
L'Arche Limited 7,500 10,000 7,222
La Leche League of Great Britain 1,750 1,264
Leicester Council for Voluntary Service 15,450 11,158
Leonard Cheshire Foundation 10,000 12,000 8,666
Liverpool Alcoholism Services 6,778 27,687 19,996
London Voluntary Service Council 12,000 8,666
London Youth Advisory Centre 9,010
Mastectomy Association 2,500 6,000 4,333
Maternity Alliance 23,200 16,755
Medical Commission on Accident Prevention 22,600 16,322
Medical Council on Alcoholism 54,250 70,300 50,771
Mencap 234,000 168,995
Mental After Care Association 30,000 21,666
Mental Health Film Council 4,800
Migraine Trust 15,000
Motability 229,451 338,640 244,566
Muscular Distophy Group 15,000
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 73,890 164,000 118,441
National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society 2,500 3,000 2,167
National Association for the Childless 10,000 13,000 9,389
National Association for the Deaf/Blind, Rubella Handicapped 5,000 12,000 8,666
National Association for Gifted Children 4,509
National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare 3,000 5,000 3,611
National Association for Mental Health 250,000 325,000 234,715
National Association for Patient Participation in General Practice 1,000 1,000 722
National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital 26,000 50,000 36,110
National Association of Leagues of Hospital Friends 5,500 10,000 7,222
National Association of Victims Support Schemes 2,500 8,150 5,886
National Association of Voluntary Hospitals 2,500
National Assiociation of Youth Clubs 29,733 21,900 15,816
National Chilbirth Trust 10,350 15,000 10,833
National Childminding Assoiation 13,000 55,000 39,721
National Children's Bureau 76,750 130,650 94,355
National Children's Home 7,500 1,875 1,354
National Council for One Parent Families 70,000 100,000 72,220
National Council for the Single Woman and her Dependants 5,746
National Council for Voluntary Organisations 20,862 20,000 14,444
National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations 9,776 34,286 24,761
National Council on Alcoholism 171,000 241,000 174,050
National Deaf/Blind Helpers League 31,560
National Eczma Society 8,000 7,500 5,417
National Elfride Rathbone Society 8,500 12,000 8,666
National Federation of Kidney Patients 3,000 2,167

Vote XI I Sub Head K2(1) 1979–80 1982–83 1982–83 at 1979–80 prices (Based on RPI)
£ £ £
National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom 1,000 4,000 2,889
National Foster Care Association 28,983 69,453 50,159
National Institute for Social Work †514,257
National Library for the Blind 7,500
National Listening Library 15,000 10,833
National Marriage Guidance Council 10,000 20,000 14,444
National Out of School Alliance 31,000 22,388
National Playbus Association 5,625 19,625 14,173
National Schizophrenic Fellowship 56,000
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 86,000 193,000 139,384
National Tape Magazine for the Blind 200
National Youth Bureau 35,000 56,800 41,021
National for the Handicapped 1,000
Norfolk Children's Projects 45,000 32,860
Norfolk Council on Alcoholism 32,750
Northern Regional Association for the Blind 26,132 49,015 35,399
Nottingham Council for Voluntary Service 23,800 17,188
One To One 12,000
Opus 5,500 3,972
Organisation for Sickle Cell Anaemia Research 8,000 5,778
Outset 7,500 9,000 6,500
Overseas Doctors Association 4,235 7,000 5,055
Parent to Parent Information on Adoption Services 4,500 3,250
Parents Anonymous (London) 7,500
Parents For Children 24,000 46,000 33,221
Partially Sighted Society 10,000 11,000 7,944
Patients Association 5,000 5,000 3,611
Peter Bedford Project 8,750
Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied 12,000 15,000 10,833
Plymouth Night Shelter 10,434 7,535
Possum Users Association 11,000 7,750 5,597
Pre-Retirement Association 5,000
Pre-School Playgroups Association 215,000 350,000 252,770
Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Disabled 1,000
Rainer Foundation 5,250 59,875 43,242
Rape Counselling and Research Project 11,000 20,000 14,444
Refresh 3,000
Rehabilitation of Metropolitan Addicts 6,000
Richmond Fellowship 40,000 14,000 10,111
Rother Help Centre 12,500 9,028
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation 205,000 230,000 166,106
Royal National Institute for the Blind 185,000
Royal National Institute for the Deaf 3,500 2,528
Royal School for the Blind 14,000 10,111
Salvation Army 24,095
Samaritans 60,000 90,000 64,999
Save the Children Fund 43,125 150,750 108,872
Sexual and Personal Relationships of the Disabled 15,600 31,200 22,533
Shaftesbury Homes and Arethusa Sailing Barge 25,000
Shape 5,000 10,000 7,222
Sheffield Family Service Units 6,000 8,750 6,319
Shilhey Community Exeter 2,314
Sickle Cell Society 8,000 5,778
Social Work Training Grants 44,110 101,642 73,406
Society of Voluntary Associates 9,750 7,041
Soundaround 2,500
South East London Consortium 6,920
Southern and Western Regional Association for the Blind 35,944 62,624 45,227
Spastic Society 28,120 86,000 62,109
Spinal Injuries Association 15,000 15,000 10,833
Standing Conference on Drug Abuse 39,000 60,000 43,332
Steering Committee for the National Federation of Self Help Groups 3,000
St. Albans Diocesan Council for Social Responsibility 22,075 15,943
St. Johns Ambulance 30,000 42,000 30,332
Stockport Odd Feet Association 300
Stonham Housing Association 17,100 12,350
Study Commission on the Family 15,000 10,833
Sue Ryder Foundation 8,000 5,778
Talking Newspaper Association of the United Kingdom 500 750 542
Toy Libraries Association 27,000 41,000 29,610
Turning Point 40,732 72,500 52,360
United Kingdom Association for the International Year of the Child 33,900
United Kingdom Thelassaemia Society 2,250
Venture 12 Project 20,000 14,444

Vote XII Sub Head K2(1) 1979–80 1982–83 1982–33 at 1979–80 prices (Based on RPI)
£ £ £
Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children 20,000 29,850 21,558
Voluntary Organisations Liaison Committee for Under Fives 4,022 3,750 2,708
Volunteer Centre 64,315 46,448
Westminster Pastoral Foundation 50,000 60,000 43,332
Widows Advisory Trust 8,750 10,000 7,222
Winged Fellowship Trust 7,000 5,055
Women's Aid Federation (England) 68,750 100,000 72,220
Women's Health Concern 3,250 2,347
Women's National Cancer Control Campaign 46,000 74,600 53,876
Miscellaneous 25,677
* Estimate—Hostels claim deficit revenue grant.
† Applications from other organisations are under consideration, and further applications may be received.

1979–80 1982–83 1982–83 at 1979–80 prices
Sub Head K2 (2) Kings Fund Centre 204,000 318,000 229,660