HC Deb 08 February 1983 vol 36 cc298-300W
Mr. Alec Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Wales (1) how many improvement grants were paid to private owners and to tenants in Wales in each of the last five years;

(2) how many dwellings were improved in Wales in each of the last five years.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The numbers of improvement grants paid by local authorities are shown in the following table:

Owner-occupiers Others
1978 5,410 521
1979 5,680 439
1980 6,728 614
1981 6,560 540
1982* 8,626 565

* Provisional.

The "others" category includes landlords and tenants in the private sector and a very small number of tenants in the public sector.

There are also renovations to dwellings funded by the Housing Corporation: the numbers involved are:

1978 237
1979 218
1980 252
1981 672
*1982 686
* First nine months.

Finally, there are the improvements carried out by local authorities to local authority dwellings. Records of the numbers of dwellings so improved are not maintained centrally, but the estimated expenditure on such

1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84
Current Expenditure
General Subsidies:
Central government subsidies to local authority housing 49 59 66 38 18 11
Rate fund contributions to local authority housing 6 10 11 12 10 4
Subsidies to new towns 3 3 3 2 1 1
Housing association revenue deficit grants
Total general subsidies 58 72 80 52 29 16
Central government 1 1 1 1
Local authorities 3 5 5 4 6 5
Total current expenditure 61 77 86 57 36 22
Capital expenditure
Local authority gross expenditure:
Land 2 2 1 1
New dwellings 48 57 59 41 45
Acquisitions 2 3 2 1 1
Improvement investment 15 20 23 24 26
Other 2 3 2 3 3
Improvement Grants 11 15 15 18 48
Gross lending to private persons for house purchase and improvements 26 25 11 6 8
Loans and grants to the housing associations
Total local authority gross expenditure 106 125 113 94 131 162
New towns gross investment
Land 1 1
New dwellings 2 4 3 2 3
Total new towns gross investment 2 4 4 2 4 8
Sales and repayments
Land and dwellings local authorities -8 -10 -14 -94 -160
New towns -1 -2 -5 -8
Associated lending—gross 6 4 6 53 89
Repayments -2 -2 -2 -3 -5
Repayment of loans to private persons for house purchase improvements -16 -13 -14 -15 -18
Repayment of loans to housing associations -3 -1
Total sales and repayments -23 -22 -26 -64 -103 -90
Housing corporation schemes
Net loans and grants to housing associations 22 24 29 32 37 41
Savings bonus and loans scheme for first time purchasers (net) and other lending (net)

improvement work is:

£ million
1977–78 10.6
1978–79 13.8
1979–80 18.3
1980–81 21.4
*1981–82 20.2
* Provisional.