HC Deb 21 December 1983 vol 51 cc267-8W
Mr. Porter

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what grants he has made in the current year to voluntary bodies, charities and pressure groups.

Mr. Patrick Jenkin

Grants in 1983–84 to voluntary bodies — other than housing associations — are as follows. The list does not include grants made by statutory bodies associated with the Department, such as the Countryside Commission, the Sports Council or the Nature Conservancy Council.

Grants to voluntary organisations 1983–84
1. Amenity Societies and the Civic Trust
Civic Trust 55,000
Council for British Archaeology 3,250
Ancient Monuments Society 6,500
The Georgian Group 6,500
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings 6,500
The Victorian Society 6,500
2. Keep Britain Tidy Group 468,000
Contribution to Beautiful Britain Campaign 50,000
3. Small Grants Programme
Advisory Committee for the Education of Romany and other Travellers 11,020
Advisory Committee on Pollution of the Sea 2,500
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers 25,000
Cathedral Camps 8,000
Council for Environmental Education—Youth Unit 2,113
Council for Urban Studies Centre 11,200
East Anglian Gypsy Council 900
Friends of the Earth Trust Ltd. 6,675
Hawk Board 2,500
Inter Action—County Wings 19,820
International Waterfowl Research Bureau 2,000
Merseyside Improved Houses 1,030
National Association of Local Councils 500
National Council for Voluntary Organisations—Inner
City Voluntary Action Development Programme 35,203
National Council for Voluntary Organisation—
Secondment to Business in the Community 8,000
National Gypsy Council 12,720
National Inner Cities Forum 750
North West Civic Trust 14,750
Romany Guild 6,720
Royal Institute of British Architects—Architecture
Workshops 22,207
Royal Society for Protection of Birds:
1) Urban Field Officers 7,150
2) Woodland Management Information 5,000
Somerset Small Industries Group 6,350
Town and Country Planning Association—Planning
Aid Unit 12,000
Town Teacher 2,500
Volunteer Centre 11,754

Wildlife Link 3,500
4. Urban Initiatives Fund
Directory of Social Change 8,625
Inter Action Ltd.—Neighbourhood Use of Buildings and Space 16,000
National Federation of City Farms 8,000
Royal Institute of British Architects—Community
Projects 16,000
Town and Country Planning Association—Northern
Office 16,750
Urban and Economic Development Ltd. (URBED) 19,250
5. Council for Environmental Education 42,000
5. Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977
SHAC—The London Housing Aid Centre 86,250
Shelter National Housing Aid Trust 41,051
Housing Advice Switchboard 48,000
Campaign for Homeless Single People (CHAR) 26,000
National Association of Voluntary Hostels (NAVH) 22,850
Women's Aid Federation (England) (WAFE) 10,200
National Cyrenians 28,300
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO) 5,500
7. Urban Programme
The contribution from central government to voluntary bodes under the Urban Programme is estimated at approximately £46.5 million in 1983–84; this includes a substantial contribution from the Department of Health and Social Security arid the Department of Education and Science.