§ Rev. William McCreaasked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) what was (a) the average rent arrears per estate in the Strabane district council area, (b) the date of upgrading each estate and (c) the average cost of the maintenance per estate in each year from 1973 to 1983;
(2) what were (a) the average rent arrears per estate in the Magherafelt district council area, (b) the date of upgrading each estate and (c) the average cost of maintenance per estate in each year from 1973 to 1983;
(3) what were (a) the average rent arrears per estate in the Cookstown council area, (b) the date of upgrading each estate and (c) the average cost of maintenance per estate in each year from 1973 to 1983;
(4) if he will list the housing estates in the Omagh urban area and their year of erection and indicate (a) the average cost of maintenance per estate from 1973 to 1983, (b) the date of upgrading of each estate, (c) the average arrears per estate, rents, (d) the total arrears of rent in Omagh urban area and (e) the total arrears of rent in Omagh district council by each estate.
§ Mr. Chris PattenThese are matters for the chairman of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive who has advised me that the information is not readily available in the form requested; the available information is as follows:
Table A: Rent Arrears: October 1983 (i) STRABANE DISTRICT Name of estate Total arrears(1) Average arrears(2) per household £000s £ 1. Ballycolman 95.5 125 2. Dublin Road/Lisnafin Park Bridge Street/Urney Road 45.5 80 3. Fountain (Drumrallagh) 39 130 4. Newtown/Newtownkennedy/ Alexander Place Lower/Main Street/Riverside Terrace/Springhill Park 28.5 37.50 5. Ardstraw 4 64.50 6. Ardmore 4 127 7. Artigarvan 11 77.50 8. Ballymagorry/Burndennett 9 58 9. Castletown 2 56.50 10. Clady 7 60.50 11. Donemana 15.5 71.50 12. Douglas Bridge 6 64.50 13. Magheramason 7 67.50 14. Newtownstewart 36 133.50 15. Plumbridge 2 37 16. Sion Mills 25 90£50 17. Sion Mills/Glebe 16.5 111 18. Erganagh 4.5 103.50
Name of estate Total arrears* £000s Average arrears(2) per household £ 19. Spamount 6 67 20. Killen 1.5 31.50 21. Castlederg (Young Cres etc.) 5.5 11 22. Churchtown 19.5 307.50 23. Killeter 1 14.50 24. Melmount Road 7.5 99.50
(ii) MAGHERAFELT DISTRICT Name of Estate Total Arrears* £000s Average Arrears: per Household (£) 1. Magherafelt, Lisnamorrow and Ritchies Villas 30.5 28.50 2. Maghera and Beagh 21 33.50 3. Desertmartin and Luney 2 31 4. Ballymaguigan and St. Treas 1 26.50 5. Gulladuff/Mayogall 2.5 53.50 6. Draperstown 10 46 7. Swatragh 2 28.50 8. Tobermore and Ballinahone 3 24.50 9. Castledawson 11 35 10. Bellaghy and Rocktown 7.5 43.50 11. Clady and Ballynease 2 24 12. Portglenone 0.5 12 13. Innisrush 0.5 24 14. Upperlands 7.5 69 15. Culnady 0.5 12.50 16. Knockloughrin and Broagh — 3 17. Creagh 0.5 18.50 18. Moneyneaney/Drumderg 1.5 4.50 19. Lisnamuck 0.5 35.50 20. Kilross 0.5 36.50 21. Longfield — 5 22. Curran — 3 23. Tamlaght 0.5 18.50 24. Fallahogey, Lislea and Moneysallin — 12.50 25. Tullyherron (Noones Vale, St. Lurachs) 1.5 46 26. Carmean — — 27. Cottages 3 22.50
(iii) COOKSTOWN DISTRICT Name of Estate Total Arrears* £000s Average Arrears† per Household (£) 1. Broughderg No dwellings yet — 2. Pomeroy/Gortacladdy 3.5 36.50 3. Lissan/Donman 0.5 23
Table B: Upgrading of Estates Year Improvement Work 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 Apr-Oct 83 Total (i) Strabane 1 scheme for — 3 schemes for 3 schemes for 1 scheme for 20 8 schemes for Insulation 200 dwellings — 1398 dwellings 1458 dwellings dwellings 3076 dwellings 14 schemes for 4 schemes for 18 schemes for Rewiring — — 413 dwellings 137 dwellings — 550 dwellings
Name of Estate Total Arrears* £000s Average Arrears† per Household (£) 4. Dunamore/Orritor/Drum/Kildress 1 27 5. Sandholes 0.5 22 6. Moneymore 8.5 39.50 7. Coagh/Lisnahall 2 25 8. Stewartstown 6 39 9. Ballyrohan 2.5 46.50 10. Derrychrin 3.5 118 11. Killygoland 3 76.50 12. Cookstown North/Coagh Street/Monrush/Coolreaghs/Maloon/Auglish 16.5 21.50 13. Moortown/Cluntoeric-hardson/Annaghrnore 2.5 60 14. Carnan 1 53.50 15. Cookstown South/Cook Crescent Kilmoon/Clare/Blackhill 42.5 57.50 16. Tullyhogue/Tullywiggan/Donaghy/Sherrygroom 5 57.50 17. Drommullan 0.5 13.50 18. Loop 0.5 45.50 19. Rock/Tullyreavy/Kernaghan 1 41 20. Labourers Cottages 2.5 17 187W
(iv) OMAGH DISTRICT Name of estate Total arrears* £000s Average arrears† per household £ 1. Greencastle/Rouskey/Glenhull 2.5 64 2. Carrickmore/Mountfield/Loughmacrory/Drummakilly 11.5 85 3. Estates adjacent to Omagh Town Boundary 12 73.50 4. Gortin 2 28 5. Mountjoy/Knockmoyle 58.5 5.50 6. Beragh/Sixmilecross 5 66 7. Fintona/Seskinore 24.5 74 8. Dromore/Tattysallagh 15.5 69 9. Trillick/Kilakeery 5 80 10. Omagh town (Strathroy/Shandon Park/Cannondale/Gortin Road/Mullaghmore) inc. Lammy 121 38.50 11. Drumquin 11.5 93 * To the nearest £500. † To the nearest 50p.
Year Improvement Work 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 Apr-Oct 83 Total Gas Conversion — 4 schemes for 253 dwellings 3 schemes for 125 dwellings — — 7 schemes for 378 dwellings Rural Cottage Improvements 2 schemes for 17 dwellings — 2 schemes for 15 dwellings — — 4 schemes for 32 dwellings General Improvement 1 scheme for 7 dwellings — 5 schemes for 287 dwellings 3 schemes for 142 dwellings 2 schemes for 42 dwellings 11 schemes for 478 dwellings (ii)Magherafelt Insulation 1 scheme for 708 dwelings — 3 schemes for 1,287 dwelings 2 schemes for 383 dwellings 1 scheme for 284 dwellings 7 schemes for 2,662 dwellings Rewiring 2 schemes for 102 dwellings — 10 schemes for 275 dwellings 3 schemes for 97 dwellings — 15 schemes for 474 dwellings Rural Cottage Improvements 1 scheme for 14 dwellings — — 1 scheme for 70 dwellings — 2 schemes for 84 dwellings General Improvements 2 schemes for 227 dwellings — 6 schemes for 384 dwellings 2 schemes for 132 dwellings — 10 schemes for 743 dwellings (iii) Cookstown Insulation 1 scheme for 686 dwellings — 3 schemes for 599 dwellings 5 schemes for 502 dwellings — 9 schemes for 1,787 dwellings Rewiring 2 schemes for 134 dwellings — — 2 schemes for 36 dwellings — 4 schemes for 170 dwellings Rural Cottage Improvements — — 1 scheme for 2 dwellings — — 1 scheme for 2 dwellings General Improvements 6 schemes for 64 dwellings — 1 scheme for 54 dwellings 5 schemes for 125 dwellings 9 schemes for 75 dwellings 21 schemes for 318 dwellings (iv) Omageh Insulation 1 scheme for 683 dwellings — 5 schemes for 848 dwellings 6 schemes for 603 dwellings — 12 schemes for 2,134 dwellings Rewiring — — — 3 schemes for 89 dwellings 1 scheme for 14 dwellings 4 schemes for 103 dwellings Gas Conversion — — 2 schemes for 32 dwellings — — 2 schemes for 32 dwellings Rural Cottage Improvements 2 schemes for 18 dwellings — 2 schemes for 12 dwellings — — 4 schemes for 30 dwellings Rehabilitation — — — 1 scheme for 75 — 1 scheme for 75 dwellings General Improvements 5 schemes for 56 dwellings — 8 schemes for 404 dwellings 10 schemes for 262 dwellings 1 scheme for 5 dwellings 24 schemes for 727 dwellings Note: Details of upgrading in each estate are not readily available.
TABLE C: Maintenance Costs 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 Until Oct. 83 £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Strabane District Response Maintenance 441 504 450.5 605.5 294 Planned Maintenance 115 131 282.5 410.5 327 Magherafelt District Response Maintenance 277 294 273.5 344 111.5 Planned Maintenance 248.5 150.5 265 275 267.5 Cookstown District Response Maintenance 362 305.5 336.5 335 147 Planned Maintenance 172 170.5 119 125.5 112 Omagh District Response Maintenance 437.5 533 386 447.5 203 Planned Maintenance 248.5 302 188 297 196.5 Note: The average cost of maintenance by estate is not readily available.
TABLE D: Dates of Construction of Housing in Omagh Town Dates Beattie Park 1948 Beattie Villas 1933 Beechgrove 1962 Brookmount Crescent 1949 Brookmount Lodge 1968 189W
Dates Buchanan Villas 1943 (Phase 1) 1961 (2nd Phase) Camowen Bungalows 1952 Cannondale 1955 Centenary Park 1960 Clements Villas 1939 Coronation Cottages 1952 &1903
Dates Culmore Park 1970 Cunningham Terrace 1962 Dergmoney Heights 1968 Dublin Road 1922 Eastview Terrace 1929 Edinburgh Villas 1954 Edinburgh Park 1970 Fairmount Avenue 1931 Fairmount Cottages 1932 Fairmount Terrace 1931 Fairmount Road 1912 Festival Park 1951 (Phase 1) 1960 (Phase 2) Gardenville Avenue 1970 Garvaghey 1949 Golan Villas 1961 Gortmore Park 1950 Gortrush Park 1950 Glenview Cottages 1934 Hackett Villas 1955 Hawkes Crescent 1953 Hunter Crescent 1934 Johnston Park 1940 (Phase 1) 1955 (Phase 2) Knockshee Park 1978 Loughview Cottages 1903 Lammy 1980 Lisanelly Heights 1977 McClay Park 1963/65 Mclvor Villas 1966 McKinlay Bungalows 1948 Mullaghmore Drive 1977 Mullan Terrace 1932 O'Brien Park 1970 & 1982 O'Connor Terrace 1932 O'Kane Park 1965 Orangefield Park 1970 Queens Parade 1955 (Phase 1) 1960 (Phase 2) Riverview Park 1977 Rodgers Villas 1947 Rylands 1954 & 1964 Shandon Park 1970 Slievcoole Park 1977 Starrs Crescent 1948 Stewart Bungalows 1966 Strathroy 1975 Strule Park 1967 & 68 St. Patricks Street 1906 St. Patricks Terrace 1906 St. Julians Road 1901 Summerhill Park 1973 Tamlaght Road 1970 Watson Park 1948 Westview Terrace 1926 Winter Gardens 1973 Ulster Cottages Arvalee 1948