HC Deb 05 December 1983 vol 50 cc5-6W
Mr. Fisher

asked the Under-Secretary of State answering in respect of the Arts (1) how much has been spent, at 1982–83 prices, and in cash terms, on literature by the Arts Council in each of the past five years;

(2) what is the expenditure per capita on the arts (a) nationally, (b) in each of the 12 English regional arts association areas, (c) in Wales and (d) in Scotland;

(3) what proportion of the Arts Council's grant has been spent on literature in each of the past five years;

(4) what percentage of the 1982 supplementary grant to the Arts Council was spent on (a) national companies, (b) regional arts associations, (c) drama and (d) literature;

(5) how many new theatres were built with financial assistance from the Arts Council in each of the past 15 years; and which were these theatres, listed year by year;

(6) if, when he next meets the chairman of the Arts Council, he will discuss the provision of advice by outside experts to the council's education liaison officer; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Waldegrave

I shall let the hon. Member have a reply as soon as possible.