HC Deb 28 April 1983 vol 41 cc425-8W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will break down the figures given in the table of purposes for which the Contingencies Fund has been used, given in his answer of 12 April, Official Report, c. 376–77, to show the specific items in respect of which the expenditure was incurred in each category; and how much was spent on each.

Sir Geoffrey Howe

[pursuant to his reply, 26 April 1983, c. 291]: Provisional figures for the repayable advances made from the Contingencies Fund in 1982–83 in anticipation of Votes of Parliament are identified in the table below by their relevant class and Vote. Figures for the repayable advances made to Customs and Excise and Inland Revenue in anticipation of revenue are as previously shown. Final figures will be published in the Contingencies Fund accounts in due course.

Category (A) to meet expenditure in excess of the amount granted in the Vote on Account.
Class and Vote Title Amount
II 12 Budget of the European Communities 9,304
IV 5 Industrial support: (Department of Energy) 88,771
IV 10 International trade: export credit services and insurance of investment overseas 125,000
XIII 4 Economic and financial administration (HM Treasury) 2,300
XIII 23 Stationery and Printing supplies to the Houses of Parliament etc 694
XV 8 Housing, Scotland 13,000
XV 18 National Galleries of Scotland 464

Category (B) to meet expenditure during the Vote on Account period on new services for which provision has been made in the original Supply Estimate.
Class and Vote Title Amount
IV 14 Special employment measures (Department of Employment) (re-young workers' scheme) 7,000
XI 1 Health and personal social services, England (re-voluntary work opportunities) 1,500
XII 3 Family benefits (re-maternity grants) 4,700
XV 15 Education, libraries, arts and social work, Scotland (re-voluntary work opportunities) 200

Category (C) to meet expenditure on unforeseen new services.
Class and Vote Title Amount
II 6 International subscriptions, special payments etc. (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) (re-compensation payments) 6,613
II 10 Overseas aid (re-Falklands rehabilitation and other) 5,761
III 5 Support for the fishing industry (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) (re-fishing vessel temporary support scheme) 7,000

Class and Vote Title Amount
IV 1 Regional and selective assistance etc. (Department of Industry) (re-stockpile of strategic minerals) 35,000
IV 4 Department of Trade (re-marine and Aviation Insurance (War Risks) Fund) 4,300
IV 5 Industrial support (Department of Industry) (re-grant to Central Electricity Generating Board) 15,500
IV 14 Special employment measures (Department of Employment) (re-job splitting scheme) 50
IV 21 Sale of shares in Britoil (re-fees and expenses) 11,750
VI 6 Sales of shares in associated British Ports (re-fees and expenses) 579
VIII 2 Central Environmental services etc. (re-grant to London Zoo) 700
XV 2 Agricultural services and fisheries, Scotland (re-fishing vessel temporary support scheme) 7,000
XV 5 Selective assistance and compensation Scotland (re-payment to British Aluminium Company) 178
XVI 5 Agricultural services, support for the fishing industry, regional and industrial development, Wales (re-fishing vessel temporary support scheme) 275

Category (D) to meet expenditure in excess of the provision on those subheads which may not be financed from savings on other subheads

No advances made*

Category (E) to meet further expenditure on existing services when the cash provision on the vote is exhausted.
Class and Vote Title Amount
I 2 Defence procurement 19,586
III 1 Agricultural support (Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce) 190,000
IV 1 Regional and selective assistance etc. (Department of Industry) 125,000
IV 11 Registry of Friendly Societies 17
VI 1 Roads etc. England (Department of Transport) 32,000
VI 6 National Freight Company 611
(1981–82) Limited
VIII 1 Local environmental services, etc. England 1,500
X 3, Students awards etc. (Department of Education and Science) 37,558
XI 2 Health and personal social services (Other), England 21,000
XII 2 Supplementary benefits 550, 000
XII 5 Housing benefits 62,000
XV 16 Students awards, Scotland 4,700
XV 17 National Library of Scotland 94
XVIII 6 Rate rebate grants (England) and additional rate support grants (England and Wales) to local revenues 15,000
XVIII 8 Rate rebate grants to local revenues, Scotland 5,306
XVIII 12 Teachers' surperannuation (Scotland) 6,400
XVIII 18 Department of Industry (Post Office Pensions Fund) 2,928
TOTAL CATEGORY (E) 1,073,700

Category (F) to meet expenditure to be financed ultimately from receipts pending the accrual of those receipts.
Class and Vote Title Amount
II 1 Overseas representation: diplomatic and consular services 12,ooo
X 7 National Gallery 9

Category (G) to finance working balances over the turn of the financial year
Class and Vote Title Amount
I 2 Defence procurement 100,000
XII 1 Pension Benefits (non-contributory) 4,500
XII 2 Supplementary Benefits 74,500
XII 3 Family Benefits 62,200
XVI 1 Tourism, roads and transport, housing, other environmental services, education, libraries, arts, health and personal social services, Wales 6,000
Category (H) to meet stamp duties remitted in respect of public departments etc. and other expenses £472,000†
*A figure of—£36 million was recorded in the Official Report of 12 April—[Vol. 40. c. 376–7]—in error.
† Advances within category (H) are repaid from the Vote for repayments to the Contingencies Fund presented annually as a summer Supplementary Estimate.