HC Deb 25 April 1983 vol 41 cc256-7W
Mr. Terry Davis

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) pursuant to the answer of the Minister of State on 19 April about the working party to advise on the safety precautions necessary to protect patients and staff from any hazards associated with the use of lasers, whether he will list the names of the members of that working party;

(2) pursuant to the answer of the Minister of State on 19 April about the report of the working party to advise on the safety precautions necessary to protect patients and staff from any hazards associated with the use of lasers, whether he will put a copy of its report and the discussion document in the Library;

(3) pursuant to the answer of the Minister of State on 19 April about the working party to advise on the safety precautions necessary to protect patients and staff from any hazards associated with the use of lasers, whether he has received a report from the working party as well as the discussion document which was recently produced;

(4) pursuant to the answer of the Minister of State on 19 April about the discussion document which has been recently produced by the working party to advise on the safety precautions necessary to protect patients and staff from any hazards associated with the use of lasers, when he received that discussion document.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The working party was set up in 1981. Its members were:

  • Dr. D. C. Potter—DHSS
  • Mr. K. J. Barnes—DHSS
  • Prof. A. C. Bird, MD, FRCS—Moorfields eye hospital
  • Mr. J. A. S. Carruth, FRCS — Royal South Hants hospital
  • Mr. A. E. Cox—Health and Safety Executive
  • Dr. M. Davison, MA, DPhil, F Inst P — West of Scotland health boards
  • Mr. F. Harlen—National Radiological Protection Board
  • Mr. A. Singer, DPhil, FRCOG—Whittington hospital

Its terms of reference were: To recommend to the Department such technical requirements for equipment and such operational procedures as are essential to protect patients and staff from the deleterious effects of laser radiation arising from the application of lasers in medical practice.

I am glad to say that the working party has now produced its report which draws together current thinking on the medical application of lasers and makes recommendations on the safety precautions necessary, to protect both patients and staff. I am extremely grateful to the members of the working party for the work that they have put into producing their report with its valuable guidance and recommendations. I am seeking the views of the NHS and interested professional and other bodies on the recommendations made by this report, a copy of which has been placed in the Library. As soon as possible following this consultation, I will issue guidance to health authorities on safe practise in the use of lasers in medical practice.