HC Deb 13 April 1983 vol 40 c419W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State, for Scotland at the latest and most convenient stated date, how many prisoners in Scottish prisons were on remand awaiting trial; how many had been on remand for periods (a) up to three months, (b) of three months to six months, (c) of six months to one year, (d) of one year to one and a half years and (e) above one and a half years; and for how long in each case.

Mr. Allen Stewart

On 29 March 1983 a total of 616 persons were held in Scottish penal establishments on remand awaiting trial. No breakdown by length of time on remand is available, but in Scotland no person may be detained in custody before the commencement of his trial

Health Board Board complement (includes Chairmen) Number of women Percentage Vacancies still to be filled on 1 April 1983
Argyll and Clyde 21 5 23.8
Ayrshire and Arran 21 7 33.3
Borders 15 3 20.0 1
Dumfries and Galloway 19 5 26.3
Fife 21 5 23.8
Forth Valley 19 4 21.0 2
Grampian 21 6 28.6 1
Greater Glasgow 23 6 26.1
Highland 19 7 36.8 1
Lanarkshire 23 7 30.4 1
Lothian 23 5 21.8 1
Orkney 15 1 6.7 1
Shetland 15 4 26.7 2
Tayside 21 4 19.0 2
Western Isles 15 2 13.3 1
Total 291 71 24.4 13