HL Deb 28 October 1982 vol 435 cc608-9WA
Lord Molloy

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps are being considered to train National Health Service staff in the use of new technology.

Lord Trefgarne

Health authorities and relevant professions are regularly concerned with training, or arrangements for training necessary for the application in the National Health Service of new technological developments over a wide range of disciplines and activities.

Departments, the National Training Council and National Staff Committees and the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service have also promoted in the past few years, or have under consideration, a number of specific training initiatives in the field of information technology.

These have included:

A major nursing seminar on the "state of the art" of computer based nursing and health care systems, prediction of future trends and educational and training needs.

Training courses and appreciation seminars for NHS managers and other staff at various higher education institutions and at the Hospital Estate Management and Engineering Centre.

Developmental studies on new applications of technology, including the establishment in one health district of an "office of the future" which will maximise the use of electronic equipment and avoid unnecessary paper work.

Inclusion of a Section on The New Technology in a Guide for Managers on the Recruitment and Development of Clerical and Secretarial Staff.

Establishment of an NHS Computer Training Library.

Provision of funds for various projects including exhibitions, explanatory leaflets and seminars to promote awareness of the use and benefits of new technology.