§ Mr. Peter Bottomleyasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will make a statement on his future strategy for social security operations.
§ Mr. Newton:I have placed in the Library copies of a consultation document entitled "Social Security Operational Strategy: A Framework for the Future", published by HMSO on 15 September. This represents the results of the work carried out since my predecessor published "A Strategy for Social Security Operations" in December 1980.
The new paper contains broad proposals for the modernisation of social security operations in a flexible manner during the 1980s and early 1990s. It envisages the creation of a sophisticated computer and communications network directly supporting social security staff wherever
445Wthey may be located. A number of technical requirements are highlighted and an illustrative timetable for the phased implementation of the new structure is included. Implementation would require major investment and a sustained management commitment over of a number of years, but would improve the service provided to the public, enhance the jobs of staff and secure significant net administrative savings.
The consultation period runs to 1 February 1983.