§ Mr. Foulkesasked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will set out the numbers of elected and non-elected members, and the arrangements for their appointments, on each of the executive and legislative councils of the United Kingdom's overseas dependent territories ; and whether he is considering any proposals for change in these arrangements.
§ Mr. Rifkind[pursuant to his reply, 21 October, c. 211]A synopsis of the relevant details is as follows:
Executive Council
Elected members: Chief Minister (appointed by the Governor). Not more than three other Ministers (appointed by the Governor on advice of Chief Minister).
Non-elected members: Attorney-General (ex-officio). Permanent Secretary for Finance (ex-officio).
House of Assembly
Elected members: Speaker (elected by House of Assembly from within or without the Assembly) No fewer than seven members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected members:Attorney-General (ex-officio). Permanent Secretary for Finance (ex-officio). Two nominated members (appointed by Governor—one, on advice of, and one in consultation with Chief Minister).
Elected members: Premier (appointed by Governor). Not less than four other Ministers (appointed by the Governor on advice of Premier).
Non-elected members: Not less than one nor more than two Ministers appointed by the Governor from the Senate on the advice of the Premier.
Note: There is also a Governor's Council which considers matters for which the Governor is responsible; it consists of the Governor, the Premier and two to three other Ministers appointed by the Governor after consultation with the Premier.
Elected members: None.
Non-elected members:Eleven (five appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Premier, three on the advice of Leader of Opposition, and three in the Governor's discretion).
House of Assembly
Elected members: Forty (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected members: None.
Executive Council
Elected members: Chief Minister (appointed by Governor on recommendation of majority party in Legislative Council: failing 422W that appointed by Governor in his discretion). Three other Ministers (appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister).
Non-elected membersAttorney-General (ex-officio).
Legislative Council
Elected members: Nine members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersSpeaker (elected by Legislative Council from non-members of Council) Attorney-General (ex-officio).
Executive Council
Elected membersFour members (elected by and from among elected members of Legislative Assembly).
Non-elected membersThree ex-officio members (appointed by Governor); in practice, Chief Secretary, Financial Secretary and Attorney-General.
Legislative Assembly
Elected membersTwelve members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersGovernor (or Speaker appointed by Governor from within or without the Assembly). Three ex-officio members (appointed by Governor).
Executive Council
Elected membersTwo (elected by the elected members of the Legislative Council from among their number).
Non-elected membersTwo (appointed by the Civil Commissioner). Chief Secretary (ex-officio). Financial Secretary (ex-officio).
Legislative Council
Elected membersSix (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersCivil Commissioner (casting vote only). Chief Secretary (ex-officio). Financial Secretary (ex-officio).
Executive Council
As for Falkland Islands.
Legislative Council
None. Civil Commissioner makes laws for the Dependencies.
Gibraltar Council
Elected membersChief Minister. Four Ministers appointed by Governor after consultation with Chief Minister.
Non-elected membersDeputy Governor (ex-officio). Financial and Development Secretary (ex-officio). Attorney-General (ex-officio). Deputy Fortress Commander (ex-officio).
Council of Ministers
Elected membersChief Minister. Not less than four not more than eight other Ministers as prescribed by Governor acting after consultation with Chief Minister.
House of Assembly
Elected membersFifteen members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersFinancial and Development Secretary (ex-officio). Attorney-General (ex-officio).
Executive Council
Elected membersNone.
Non-elected membersFive ex-officio members. One official and nine unofficial members usually appointed by Governor.
Legislative Council
Elected membersNone.
Non-elected membersGovernor. Four other ex-officio members. Eighteen official and twenty-seven unofficial members usually appointed by Governor.
Executive Council
Elected membersChief Minister (appointed by Governor). Two Ministers and one other member (appointed by Governor on advice of Chief Minister). [Nominated members of Legislative Council are also eligible for appointment to these seats].
Non-elected membersAttorney-General (ex-officio). Financial Secretary (ex-officio).
Legislative Council
Elected membersSpeaker (elected by members from without the Legislative Council). Seven members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersAttorney-General (ex-officio). Financial Secretary (ex-officio). One or two nominated members (one appointed by Governor on advice of and one in consultation with Chief Minister).
Pitcairn has no Legislative nor Executive Councils but has an 423W Island Council, established by local ordinance, which in view of the small population and isolated position of Pitcairn could be said to perform certain of the functions of an Executive Council.
Island Council
Elected membersIsland Magistrate, President of Council (elected by adult suffrage). Three members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersIsland Secretary (ex-officio). One member appointed by Governor. Two members appointed by the four elected members. Two advisory (non-voting) members (one appointed by Governor and one by remaining members of Council).
Executive Council
Elected membersFive Chairmen of the Committees of the Legislative Council (some may be ex-officio members of that Council).
Non-elected membersGovernment Secretary (ex-officio). Treasurer (ex-officio).
Legislative Council
Elected membersTwelve (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersGovernor. Government Secretary (ex-officio).
Treasurer (ex-officio).
Advisory Island Council
Elected membersEight (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersThree public officers.
The Council is established by local Ordinance and has power to make recommendations to the Administrator on executive and legislative matters.
Executive Council
Elected membersChief Minister (elected by elected members of Legislative Council.) Three Ministers (appointed by Governor on advice of Chief Minister).
Non-elected membersChief Secretary (ex-officio). Attorney-General (ex-officio). Financial Secretary (ex-officio).
Legislative Council
Elected membersSpeaker (elected from within or without the Legislative Council). Eleven members (by adult suffrage).
Non-elected membersThree members appointed by the Governor in consultation with elected members of Legislative Council. The three ex-officio members of the Executive Council.
- 1. Unless otherwise specified references to elected members of an executive body refer to the members of that body who are elected members of the legislative body.
- .2 Although a Governor is not a member of an executive advisory body he usually presides at its meetings and takes part in its proceedings.
Consideration is being given in Montserrat to increasing the number of elected members of the Legislative Council from seven to nine.
We understand that the Falkland Islanders are giving preliminary thought to possible changes in their arrangements. We have always made clear our readiness to consider changes in accordance with the Islanders' wishes.