HC Deb 27 October 1982 vol 29 c414W
Mr. Cryer

asked the Secretary of State for the Employment how many people in the Keighley travel-to-work area have been unemployed for (a) up to six months, (b) six months to 12 months, (c) 12 to 18 months, (d) 18 months to two years and over two years.

Mr. Alison

[pursuant to his reply, 26 October 1982]The following is the information for the Keighley employment office area at 8 July 1982, the latest date for which an analysis by duration of unemployment is available.

Duration in weeks
Up to 26 weeks 1,459
Over 26 and up to 52 weeks 906
Over 52 and up to 78 weeks 471
Over 78 and up to 104 weeks 384
Over 104 weeks 428


The figures do not include 420 young people registered at the Keighley branch careers office for whom a separate analysis by duration of unemployment is not available.

Mr. Cryer

asked the Secretary of State for the Employment what is the current unemployment percentage of (a) adult males and (b) adult females in the Keighley travel-to-work area; and what percentage increases these figures represent since May 1979.

Mr. Alison

[pursuant to his reply, 26 October 1982]At 8 July 1982, the latest date for which the quarterly age analysis of the numbers registered as unemployed is available, 91 per cent of all unemployed males and 86 per cent. of all unemployed females in the Keighley employment office area were aged 18 years and over. The increases in the numbers unemployed in this age group between July 1979 (not available for May) and July were 196 per cent. for males and 133 per cent. for females.