HC Deb 26 October 1982 vol 29 c376W
Mr. Kilroy-Silk

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he intends to announce his decisions on the review of the alcohol organisations.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke:

The report by officers of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and the Department's policy strategy unit on the work of voluntary bodies in the field of alcohol misuse recommended that a new national organisation should be set up to take over from the four national voluntary bodies which the Department largely funds. Consultation on the report produced general agreement on the need for a new body that could cover both prevention and treatment.

The Government's concern is to ensure that voluntary work and the funds available are used to the best possible effect in this important field. We are prepared to support the idea of a new body to focus voluntary efforts on alcohol misuse. I have, therefore, written to the Chairmen of the four voluntary organisations directly concerned offering to help set up a steering group—under an independent chairman—to see how such a body might be established. If there is support for the idea we would be prepared lo make funds available to enable the body, within our current policy framework, to: —encourage and facilitate extensions of local services and training initiatives, especially local councils on alcoholism; —assemble and provide information on alcohol misuse for public debate and to provide information and briefing material for local voluntary agencies; —co-operate with the Health Education Council and oilier agencies concerned with health education. Copies of the letter will be sent for information to all organisations who commented on the report.