HC Deb 25 October 1982 vol 29 c267W
Mr. Hardy

asked the Minister for Trade (1) if he has received information on the recent action taken by the South Yorkshire county council in regard to the sale of defective electric plugs; and if he is satisfied that existing powers are sufficient to deal with this problem;

(2) if, in view of the circumstances relating to the conviction of Zakar Ltd. in South Yorkshire for selling dangerous electrical equipment, he will consider whether more effective regulations are needed to prevent the import and sale of such unsafe electrical equipment.

Dr. Vaughan:

I understand the south Yorkshire consumer protection department and the Warwickshire trading standards department have successfully prosecuted Zakar Co. (London) Ltd. for supplying plugs imported from India that did not satisfy the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations. I also understand that the importer has agreed to withdraw the plugs from sale and recall those he had distributed. Warning notices issued earlier this year by both trading standards authorities were widely reported in the press.

I am considering the case for requiring a system of independent prior approval of all plugs before they can be marketed in this country.