HC Deb 21 October 1982 vol 29 cc203-4W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the amounts of compensation awarded for criminal injuries in Northern Ireland in the last 12 cases of which details are available to him, together with brief details of the injuries for which the award was made in each case.

Mr. John Patten:

The information is as follows:

Amount of award £
Police officer suffered injuries to his face and head whilst trying to arrest a suspect 600
Applicant suffered injuries to head and right hand when the bus in which she was travelling was attacked by stone throwers 350
Loss of front teeth and lip injuries sustained in an assault 1,000
Applicant was attacked and suffered facial laceration requiring a number of stitches 350
The applicant, a prison officer, sustained a broken bone in his hand when he was kicked by a prisoner 450
Applicant sustained injuries to his face and teeth in an assault while making his way home at night 650
The applicant, a minor, sustained a serious eye injury when a youth threw a stone through a window in a car in which she was sitting. She has almost lost vision in the injured eye 20,000
Applicant, a minor, suffered facial lacerations when a bus in which she was travelling was attacked by stone throwers 150
Applicant suffered severe shock when she saw her husband's car blown up and completely destroyed. The car was parked beside their home 1,000
Amount of award £
Applicant received abrasions to his chest and shoulder when he was attacked by youths 250
Applicant, a police officer, sustained an injury to his right foot when attempting to prevent a burglary 600
Applicant sustained a hand injury necessitating several stitches when he was struck by a bottle 600

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