HC Deb 20 October 1982 vol 29 cc130-1W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will tabulate the current percentage cost of coal-generated electricity to domestic consumers under the following headings: (a) regional electricity board services, (b) Central Electricity Generating Board costs other than generation of electricity, (c) generating cost, including capital repayments, (d) fuel transport, (e) cost of coal at pit head, (f) cost of weekly paid employees of the National Coal Board and (g) National Coal Board other costs.

Mr. John Moore

It is impossible to provide separate figures for the costs of domestic and non-domestic electricity generation in an integrated system servicing all types of consumer. Electricity generation is fuelled in several ways. For these reasons, the percentage breakdown of the costs for coal and other generated electricity can only be estimated on an allocated basis as follows:

Percentage breakdown of costs incurred by domestic consumer
Total costs Per cent. Coal costs Per cent.
(i) Costs which might be attributed to coal generation
(a) Area board services 21 27
(b) CEGB costs other than generation 5 6
(c) CEGB generation costs other than fuel (including depreciation) 19 24
Non-fuel costs sub total 45 57
CEGB coal costs
(d) Transport 2 3
(e) Pithead price *31 *40
Fuel costs sub-total 33 43
(ii) Costs which might be attributed to other fuel generation
Non-fuel costs 13
Fuel costs other than coal 9
100 100
* Of the 31 per cent. for total costs—40 per cent. for coal costs—it is estimated, on the basis of a breakdown of the average pithead cost of production for all National Coal Board coal, that about 13 per cent.—17 per cent.—can be attributed to the cost of wages and related charges for NCB industrial employees, the balance of 18 per cent.—23 per cent.—being attributed to other operating costs.