HL Deb 12 October 1982 vol 434 c814WA
Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether as the Israeli bombing of Beirut is in breach of international law they will support action to bring the criminals to justice.

Lord Belstead

Her Majesty's Government have condemned the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and her later actions in Lebanon as a flagrant breach of international law. Her Majesty's Government are working with others to try to secure Israel's full withdrawal from Lebanon, together with the withdrawal of all other foreign forces.

Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they and the United States Government are taking in support of the unanimous resolution of the Security Council that Israel should withdraw unconditionally from the Lebanon.

Lord Belstead

The United States Government is actively involved in negotiations whose aim is the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon, in accordance with the wishes of the Lebanese Government. United States endeavours to this end have the full support of Her Majesty's Government. In addition, we have taken action with our partners in the European Community to make known to the Israeli Government our strong concern at Israel's illegal invasion and continuing occupation of Lebanon. The suspension of export licences for defence equipment to Israel remains in force.

Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they are taking in recognition of the fact that Israel has changed from Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde.

Lord Belstead
