HC Deb 29 November 1982 vol 33 c97W
Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether, in view of the answer of 30 April, Official Report, c. 383, and his practice of not revealing submarine movements, he will institute a formal investigation as to how information relating to the movements of Her Majesty's submarines "Conqueror", "Splendid" and "Spartan" and to the loading of live torpedoes from Her Majesty's submarine "Oracle" to Her Majesty's submarine "Spartan" in Gibraltar between 29 and 31 March was made available to Mr. Max Hastings and Mr. Simon Jenkins for publication in their book "The Battle for the Falklands".

Mr. Blaker

Like my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister—[Vol. 32, c. 704]—I have not seen the text of the book to which the hon. Member refers and which I understand is to be published in the new year.