HC Deb 23 November 1982 vol 32 cc423-4W
Sir Patrick Wall

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the size limit for boats with unrestricted access to Shetland waters; whether this has been increased; and what effect it will have as regards British and foreign trawlers, respectively.

Mr. John MacKay

In terms of the proposals agreed by 9 member States of the European Community, fishing vessels having a length between perpendiculars of less than 26 metres would not require a licence to fish in the preference zone around the Orkney and Shetland Islands, but only British vessels may fish within 12 miles of the coastline. An earlier Commission proposal was for 25 metres overall length, but in the course of Community negotiations last July the present definition was agreed. The size limit would place a ceiling on the numbers of large vessels, both British and foreign, which may simultaneously fish for demersal species for human consumption, thus giving a measure of preference to those communities which are in the vicinity of the zone and which are heavily dependent on fisheries.

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