HC Deb 22 November 1982 vol 32 c396W
Mr. Eggar

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list and describe the studies from within or without his Department relating to the effectiveness and efficiency of his Department together with the recommendations and action taken on those recommendations.

Mr. Younger

The Scottish Office has a continuing programme of such studies appropriate to the wide range of its functions. Such studies—which include policy reviews, Rayner scrutinies, and centrally co-ordinated multi-department reviews as well as the work of staff inspection, management services and internal audit—form an essential part of normal good management. They have been given extra impetus by the Government's determination to cut out unnecessary work, simplify administration and get the best value for the taxpayer's money.

Full details of all these studies, and the resultant action, could be compiled only at disproportionate cost; but I should say that we have completed, in conjuction with Sir Derek Rayner, the following reviews:

  1. (a) The future of the Consultative Committee on the Curriculum and the Scottish Curriculum Develpment Service (recommendation that the Committee should continue was accepted and savings of £120,000 annually, at 1981–82 prices, will be achieved by rationalising the organisation of the Development Service);
  2. (b) Scottish Development Department's advisory and monitoring functions in relation to local planning authorities (recommendations accepted and implemented, saving four posts and £60,000 annually at 1980–81 prices);
  3. (c) Statistical Services in Scotland (with resultant savings of 18 posts and £250,000 annually, at 1979–80 prices);
  4. (d) Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Schools (resultant action to be announced shortly); and
  5. (e) Fisheries research, including research and development supporting services (action document in preparation).