HL Deb 17 November 1982 vol 436 cc624-5WA
Lord Chitnis

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list (a) the contributions or grants that the Overseas Development Administration has made towards relief operations, including help for refugees, through non-governmental organisations since 24th September 1981; and (b) the amount of the contributions and the percentage of such contributions which were directed through British non-governmental organisations.

Lord Belstead

Her Majesty's Government have contributed as follows through non-governmental organisations:

Organisation Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross:
Nicaragua 20,000
Thai/Cambodia 125,000
El Salvador 100,000
Africa 750,000
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development:
Sudan 290,000
Special Projects in Christian Missionary Areas:
Uganda 50,000
Action Aid: Sudan 125,000
YMCA: El Salvador 2,500
YMCA: Thailand 3,500
Christian Outreach: Thailand (3 grants) 11,500
British Red Cross Society 2,451
Save the Children Fund:
Thailand (2 grants) 24,750
Hong Kong (3 grants) 10,000
Afghans (3 grants) 19,250
Somalia (3 grants) 27,825
Ethiopians (Sudan—3 grants) 11,500
Ockenden Venture: Sudan (3 grants) 13,000
World University Service: Djibouti 500
VSO: Eritreans in Sudan 4,000
OXFAM: Sudan 3,000
*Angola Red Cross Society, drought 89,800
BRCS/League of Red Cross Societies Famine, Mozambique 50,000
Floods, Bolivia 5,000
Floods, Nicaragua 20,000
Floods, Honduras 10,000
BRCS/ICRC, post-conflict, Lebanon 73,100
BRCS/League of Red Cross Societies, cyclone, Cape Verde 2,000
Chad Red Cross Society, post-civil strife 123,700
Christian Aid/SCF, medical teams, Lebanon (approx.) 100,000
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development/CARITAS, floods, El Salvador 10,000
Mozambique Red Cross Society, drought 57,200
OXFAM, air freight, Labanon 29,800
Refugees in Rwanda (approx.) 35,000
Spanish Red Cross Society, floods 2,000
*Tunisian Red Crescent Society, floods 60,000
*As a joint response with one or more British Non-Governmental Organisations.

These contributions total some £2,265,400, of which about 41 per cent. went through British non-governmental organisations.