HL Deb 27 May 1982 vol 430 cc1356-7WA
Lord Kilmany

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether efforts in the last 12 months to find an economic means of restricting the growth of bracken in the Highlands of Scotland have yielded worthwhile results, and what further steps are contemplated.

The Earl of Mansfield

An effective herbicide for the eradication of bracken has for some years been commercially available. Grant-aid of 50 per cent. in the less favoured areas (85 per cent. for crofters if part of a land improvement scheme) is available from my department. Nevertheless, there is evidence that the acreage of bracken infestation is increasing and this seems to be partly a consequence of smaller farm staffs as well as of the cost in relation to the benefit of bracken eradication.

My department is reassessing the possibilities of more fundamental research into bracken as a means of its control. This, however, will inevitably be a long-term process.