§ Mr. Eldon Griffithsasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps he is taking to remedy the problems identified at High Point prison in Suffolk by the Chief Inspector of Prisons; and, in particular, if he will now ensure that there is enough work to occupy the time and skills of the inmates, that the numbers and grades of 219W industrial staff are no more than commensurate with the size and purposes of the prison, and that the deficiencies noted by the inspector in physical education facilities are made good, whenever practicable, by the use of prison labour.
§ Mr. WhitelawThe action I am taking on the formal recommendations by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons in his report on Her Majesty's prison High Point is set out in the statement which accompanied the publication of the report. My noble Friend is writing to my hon. Friend on the detailed points he has raised.