HC Deb 20 May 1982 vol 24 c157W
Mr. Pawsey

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what bodies or organisations, for the day-to-day work or administration of which he does not answer parliamentary questions, receive finance from his Department's Vote.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

My right hon. Friend's Departments sponsor the following eight bodies in the United Kingdom listed in "Non-departmental Public Bodies; Facts and Figures 1981" which receive finance from his Votes. In addition Customs and Excise pay a subscription for United Kingdom membership of the Customs Co-operation Council. While he answers questions on the general principles underlying the payments he does not answer for their detailed administration.

Her Majesty's Treasury

  • Chequers Trust
  • National Economic Development Council
  • Review Board for Government Contracts

Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise

  • Committee on Enforcement Powers of the Revenue Departments

Inland Revenue

  • General Commissioners of Income Tax
  • Section 463 Tribunal
  • Board of Referees*

Customs and Excise

  • VAT Tribunals

* To be disbanded in this year's Finance Act.