HC Deb 11 May 1982 vol 23 cc238-9W
Mr. Mason

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if, further to his reply of 4 May, he will list the organisations taking part in the salmon sales group; what are its terms of reference; and when it is likely to report.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

I understand that the salmon sales group of the National Water Council is composed of representatives from the fisheries departments of water authorities, together with Mr. G. D. F. Hadoke, the director of the Atlantic Salmon Trust, who, although serving in a personal capacity, provides a link with the trust and with the Salmon and Trout Association. My inspector of salmon and freshwater fisheries and the inspector of salmon and freshwater fisheries of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland serve on the group with observer status.

The group has no formal terms of reference but is considering possibilities for the introduction of a workable and financially viable scheme for controlling salmon sales. The scope of the group's inquiries has included the licensing of salmon dealers and tagging controls. A visit to Canada is planned to study the arrangements recently introduced in New Brunswick.

The group hopes to report towards the end of the year to a meeting of the fisheries advisory committee of the National Water Council, on which my Department is represented.

Mr. Mason

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to his reply of 4 May, what matters were raised with him on the problems of salmon poaching by the Esk Fishery Association and the North East divisional committee of the Yorkshire Fisheries Consultative Association; whether he proposes to take any action as a result of their communications; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The chairman of the Esk Fishery Association has drawn my attention to the extent to which the illegal taking of salmon is occuring in both tidal and non-tidal stretches of the River Esk. He has referred to the number of visitors who snatch and foul hook migatory fish and has suggested a ban on all fishing for migratory fish in tidal waters between Ruswarp Road bridge and the sea. The regulation of migratory fishing in the River Esk and its enforcement is, however, a matter for the Yorkshire water authority.

The authority has for some time been considering the possibility of introducing a new byelaw which would prohibit the taking by rod and line of salmon and migratory trout below the Ruswarp Road bridge.

After considering objections, the authority has informed me that it is not intending to proceed with such a proposal. Under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 I have no authority to direct it to do so. There are already byelaws banning the use of drift nets for the taking of salmon and migratory trout and the foul hooking of salmon and migratory trout in the River Esk and its estuary.

The North Eastern divisional committee of the Yorkshire Fisheries Consultative Association referred to the problem of poaching in the River Esk in its comments responding to the Government's consultation paper on the review of inland and coastal fisheries in England and Wales.

I shall take full account of the problems affecting migratory fish in rivers such as the River Esk in considering the comments received on our consultation paper.

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