§ Mr. Hooleyasked the Secretary of State for Energy what will be the estimated increase in the cost of the pressure vessel for the Sizewell pressurised water reactor in the light of the findings of the recent Marshall report on ensuring minimum failure risk from cracks or other metallurgical defects.
§ Mr. John MooreThe forthcoming public inquiry into the CEGB's application to build a PWR at Sizewell will provide an opportunity for questions of this nature to be addressed.
§ Mr. Hooleyasked the Secretary of State for Energy what is the earliest estimated date on which the projected Sizewell pressurised water reactor nuclear power station can be commissioned to feed power into the grids, allowing for time for the planning inquiry.
§ Mr. MellorI am advised by the CEGB that it would take some 7½ years from the start of main foundation work before the station could be commissioned to feed full power into the grid.
I cannot prejudge how long the public inquiry will take to reach its conclusions.