§ Miss Richardsonasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many persons have been employed, whole time or part time, by the immigration service in each of the past five years and at what grades; how many other persons are employed, wholly or mainly, on work connected with immigration in the United Kingdom and abroad; what is the current cost of, and where appropriate what was the cost in each of the last five years of (a) the immigration service, (b) the immigration service intelligence unit, (c) the staffing and maintenance of Harmondsworth detention centre, (d) the immigration appeals system, (e) the employment of outside agencies on immigration work and (f) the operation of the entry
£000 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 Home Office staff costs 14,875 16,997 20,086 25,326 28,558 30,906 General administrative expenses 2,335 2,613 3,583 4,407 5,049 6,872 Receipts* -682 -1,018 -1,299 -1,777 -2,721 -7,976 TOTAL 16,528 18,592 22,370 27,956 30,886 29,802 * Nationality fees, fees for documents of identity, payments by carriers etc. These figures are based on the outturn up to 1980–81, estimated outturn for 1981–82 and the estimate for 1982–83. They do not include accommodation costs which are provided as an allied service, computer costs or
164Wclearance system in the Indian Sub-continent; and what is the current cost of and what was the cost in each of the last five years of controlling immigration to the United Kingdom.
§ Mr. WhitelawThe numbers and grades of staff employed in the immigration service on 1 April in each of the last five years are as follows:
1 April 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Chief inspector 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy chief inspector 2 2 2 2 2 Assistant chief inspector 9 9 9 9 8 Inspector 33 35 35 35 33 Chief immigration officer 190 195 201 210 209 Immigration officer 1,140 1,181 1,221 1,251 1,238 Interpreter 6 7 8 7 8 H.E.O. 2 2 2 2 2 E.O. 8 7 9 9 9 C.O. 40½ 42½ 44½ 46 42½ C.A. 39 44½ 40 47 45 Personal secretary 3 3 3 4 3 Typist 25 28 28 26 27½ Paperkeeper 2 1 1 1 1 Messenger 9 10 10 10 11 Telephonist 1 1 1 1 1 Cleaner 7 8½ 7½ 8 7½ Total 1,517½ 1,577½ 1,623 1,669 1,648½ Casual staff are also employed in the summer months primarily to assist with the embarkation control.
In addition, 1,093½ staff are currently employed in the Immigration and Nationality Department, and 93 United Kingdom-based staff are employed in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on immigration work. This excludes the 224½ staff currently imployed in the Nationality Division of the Home Office and staff locally engaged by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. '[he immigration appellate authorities consist of the tribunal, the adjudicators and supporting staff. The tribunal comprises three full-time and 26 part-time members. There are 15 full-time and 62 part-time adjudicators and 78 full-time and 16 part-time members of staff.
Costs for particular elements of the immigration control are not held centrally and could not be identified without disproportionate expense. The following table, however shows estimated staff costs, general administrative expenses and receipts for the Immigration and Nationality Department (including the Nationality Division) and the Immigration Service for 1977–78 to 1982–83.
expenditure incurred by, for example, police forces, the courts and the prison service in connection with the enforcement of the Immigration Act 1971.
165WThe estimated costs of the immigration appellate authorities and of the grant to the United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service are:
£000 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 Immigration appeal tribunals 607 666 789 1,103 1,217 1,474 U.K.I.A.S. 270 393 429 533 702 721 877 1,059 1,218 1,636 1,919 2,195 Equivalent figures for the cost of the entry clearance work in the Indian subcontinent are not available, but I understand that some 47 United Kingdom based and 87 locally engaged staff are currently employed at an estimated annual salary cost of about £700,000.