HC Deb 06 May 1982 vol 23 c136W
Mr. McTaggart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what has been the life expectancy at birth of (a) males and (b) females in both the Greater Glasgow health board area and Scotland in each of the past five years.

Mr. John MacKay

Figures extracted from abridged life tables relating to runs of three years are shown in the following table:

Expectation of Life at Bin Health Board Areih (in Years) by Sex, Greater Glasgow a and Scotland, 1974 to 1980
Years Greater Glasgow Health Board Area Scotland
Males Females Males Females
1974–76 66.21 73.15 67.66 74.11
1975–77 66.65 73.52 67.94 74.39
1976–78 66.62 73.31 68.07 74.37
1977–79 66.78 73.47 68.20 74.43
1978–80 66.84 73.73 68.35 74.58