HC Deb 05 May 1982 vol 23 cc90-1W
Mr. Eldon Griffiths

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will seek to arrange for defence attaches representing the Western contact group that is negotiating with South Africa on the future of Namibia to visit the operational areas on the borders of Angola where South African and SWAPO forces are engaged in hostilities for the purpose of advising himself and the other four Foreign Ministers on the following points that are germane to the proposed ceasefire and United Nations-supervised elections, namely, the military situation, the feasibility of a 50 kilometre demilitarised zone, the security and welfare of the Bushmen people in Western Caprivi as and when South African forces are withdrawn, and any relevant evidence on recent SWAPO clashes with UNITA.

Mr. Onslow

The Five, with the United Nations Secretary-General and his staff, will be dealing with most of these and other questions in the second phase of the Namibia negotiations. For the moment, we do not envisage a visit on the lines suggested, but would not rule one out at a later stage.

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