HC Deb 30 March 1982 vol 21 cc56-8W
Miss Fookes

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he is now in a position to issue the latest annual statistics for fireworks injuries.

Dr. Vaughan

[pursuant to the reply, 26 March 1982, c. 444]: According to reports from hospitals in England, Wales and Scotland, 681 persons required treatment for injuries caused by fireworks during a four-week period in October to November. Although the total is disappointing, this was a reduction of about one-third in the number of severe injuries when compared with those for 1980. The figures for 1981 and the preceding four years are as follows:

Year 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977
4 Casual incident in street, etc. 216 177 277 336 248
5 Other place 46 31 49 49 51
6 Indoors* 16 17 28 18
Type of Firework
1 Banger 156 125 183 210 174
2 Rocket 95 64 64 111 82
3 Roman candle, coloured fire, etc. 101 79 118 153 111
4 Home-made or extracted powder 23 18 33 39 18
5 Other proprietary fireworks of which: 60 45 64 103 90
5.1 Flyabout† 14
6 Sparklers 47 30 47 70 65
7 Unspecified type 164 164 206 226 234
Severity of Injury
1 Fatal injury 1
2 Detained more than one night 22 44 47 62 65
3 Sufficient to cause absence from work or equivalent 59 80 91 117 88
4 Minor injury 503 380 545 694 523
5 Unspecified injury 62 21 32 39 32
Eye injuries (included in 2–5) 250 247 303 350 268
Age Group of Injured Persons
Over 20 127 94 139 161 141
16–20 86 65 78 68 38
13–15 164 140 203 216 185
Under 13 269 226 294 467 345
* Included in "other place" prior to 1978.
† Included in other proprietary fireworks from 1978.
Firework injuries in Scotland
(4 week period in October-November)
Year 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977
Place of accident Total 35 30 30 41 24
1 Family or private party 7 5 6 14 3
2 Semi-public party (eg Scouts, cricket club) 8 7 11 6
3 Large public display 7 5
4 Casual incident in street, etc. 13 17 13 14 10
5 Other place 3 2 5
6 Indoors* 3 1
Type of Firework
1 Banger 11 10 7 2 4
2 Rocket 7 2 9 11 5
3 Roman candle, coloured fire, etc. 6 2 5 7 1
4 Home-made or extracted powder 3 1 2 1
5 Other proprietary fireworks of which: 4 1 1 4 2
5.1 Flyabout† 1
6 Sparklers 1 3 1 1
7 Unspecified type 3 11 5 16 11
Severity of Injury
1 Fatal injury
2 Detained more than one night 2 2 2 3 6
3 Sufficient to cause absence from work or equivalent 3 2 6 2 1
4 Minor injury 28 23 20 36 16
5 Unspecified injury 2 3 2 1
Eye injuries (included in 2–5) 11 14 7 13 8
Age Group of Injured Persons
Over 20 5 6 7 9 4
16–20 3 1 2 2 2
13–15 9 11 8 10 5
Under 13 18 12 13 20 13
* Included in "other place" prior to 1978.
† Included in other proprietary fireworks from 1978.

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