HC Deb 30 March 1982 vol 21 cc83-4W
45. Mr. Edward Lyons

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will take a new initiative to reduce unemployment in the Bradford travel-to-work area.

Mr. Alison

The Government's policies are aimed at developing a soundly based economy, which means, among other things, bringing inflation steadily down. As inflation is reduced, and productivity continues to improve, British firms will become more competitive and so be in a position to offer goods and services at home and abroad which people want to buy at prices they are prepared to pay. This is the only way to create the new and secure jobs which we all seek, both in Bradford and throughout the country. There is no alternative to these policies, least of all in a world recession.

Meanwhile, as we progress towards our objectives, Bradford will continue to benefit from the Government's programme of special employment measures. Some 2,100 people in the Bradford area are currently benefiting from the job release scheme, community industry, the temporary short-time working compensation scheme and the community enterprise programme. Since April 1981, over 2,600 young people have entered the youth opportunities programme.