HC Deb 26 March 1982 vol 20 c437W
Mr. Hordern

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he has yet received figures of National

NHS Directly Employed Staff: England, 30 September 1981
Whole-time Equivalents
1979 1981 provisional Provisional change 1979–81
wte wte wte percentage
Nursing and Midwifery Staff 358,400 392,200 33,800 9.4
Medical and Dental Staff 37,100 39,000 1,900 5.1
Professional and Technical 60,100 63,300 3,200 5.3
Works 5,600 6,100 500 8.1
Maintenance 20.100 21,000 900 4.4
Administrative and Clerical 103,000 108,600 5,600 5.4
Ambulance (including Officers) 17,100 18,200 1,100 6.5
Ancillary 171,900 172,400 500 0.3
All Staff 773,400 820,700 47,400 6.1


  1. 1. The figures for nursing and midwifery staff include agency nurses and midwives and health visitor students. In 1980 the working week was reduced from 40 hours to 37½ hours and part of the increase of 33,800 (whole time equivalent) will be accounted for by additional staff recruited as a direct result of this change.
  2. 2. The figures for medical and dental staff include locums; exclude hospital practitioners, part-time medical officers (clinical assistants), general medical practitioners participating in Hospital Staff Funds and occasional Sessional Staff in the Community Health Services. The number of general medical practitioners also increased by 1,400—general practitioners do not appear in this table which deals only with employed staff.
  3. 3. The slight discrepancy between the figures shown for individual staff groups and the totals arises through independent rounding of the figures in each group.