HC Deb 23 March 1982 vol 20 cc331-3W
Mr. Lennox-Boyd

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will print in the Official Report a revised version of table 19 of the Financial Statement and Budget

Income, Expenditure and Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
£ billion
Income 1982–83 Forecast Expenditure* 1982–83 Forecast
Taxes on income 39.6 Social Security 33.0
Taxes on expenditure 37.3 Health and personal social services 17.0
Rates 12.2 Education and science, arts and libraries 15.4
Taxes on capital 1.4 Defence 14.1
National Insurance contributions 19.5 Housing 4.7
Other environmental services† 4.7
Law, order and protective services 4.9
Transport† 4.0
General government trading surplus‡● and rent● 0.7 Industry, energy, trade† 3.1
General government dividends 0.2 Employment 2.7
Nationalised industries' total net external finance 2.7
Overseas aid and other overseas services 2.1
Adjustments: Agriculture, fisheries, food and forestry 1.8
Accruals 0.5 Other public services 3.2
Public corporations transactions 0.3 Contingency reserve, etc. 2.3
Other 0.1 Special sales of assets -0.6
Planning total in Cmnd. 8494 115.2
Budget measures 0.3
Other changes** -0.6
Planning total after Budget and other changes 114.9
Public sector borrowing requirement 9.5 Net debt interest 6.5
Total receipts and borrowing 121.4 Planning total plus net debt interest 121.4
* See table 4.2 of the public expenditure White Paper Cmnd. 8494. Arranged in descending order of size.
† Excludes support for nationalised industries.
‡ The public expenditure planning total excludes expenditure by the nationlised industries (and some other public corporations treated similarly) Financed from internal sources. Net debt interest excludes interest financed from trading income and interest receipts. Hence receipts of trading income are much smaller in this table than in table 20 of the Financial Statement and Budget Report 1982–83 (HC 237). The trading income of the remaining public corporations are included in the public corporations adjustments, the public corporations concerned are listed in part 5 of Cmnd. 8494.
● After deducting maintenance costs, after addition of subsidies but before deducting depreciation or interest.
** See table 19 Financial Statement and Budget Report 1982–83 (HC 237).

Income, Expenditure and Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
£ billion
Income 1982–83 Forecast Expenditure* 1982–83 Forecast
Taxes on income 39.6 Social Security 33.0
Taxes on expenditure 37.3 Health and personal social services 17.0
Rates 12.2 Education and science, arts and libraries 15.4
Taxes on capital 1.4 Defence 14.1
National Insurance contributions 19.5 Housing 4.7
Other environmental services† 4.7
Law, order and protective services 4.9
Transport† 4.0
General government trading surplus‡● and rent● 3.4 Industry, energy, trade† 3.1
Public sector interest and dividend receipts 3.0 Employment 2.7
Nationalised industries' total net external finance 2.7
Overseas aid and other overseas services 2.1
Adjustments: Agriculture, fisheries, food and forestry 1.8
Accruals 0.5 Other public services 3.2

Report 1982–83 to set out a statement of total public expenditure by programme of his 1982–83 plans, including debt interest, but balanced against a statement of receipts from taxes on income expenditure and capital, national insurance contributions, trading surpluses and rent, accruals and the public sector borrowing requirement.

Mr. Brittan

[pursuant to his reply, 22 March 1982, c. 264.]: The information is shown in the following two tables, one of which shows debt interest on a net basis and one on a gross basis. These are the alternative presentations of debt interest used in "The Government's Expenditure Plans 1982–83 to 1984–85"—Cmnd.8494.

Income 1982–83


Expenditure* 1982–83


Public corporations transactions 3.2 Contingency reserve, etc. 2.3
Other 0.6 Special sales of assets -0.6
Planning total in Cmnd. 8494 115.2
Budget measures 0.3
Other changes** -0.6
Planning total after Budget and other changes 114.9
Public sector borrowing requirement 9.5 Public sector debt interest 15.4
Total receipts and borrowing 130.3 Planning total plus debt interest 130.3
* See table 4.2 of the public expenditure White Paper Cmnd. 8494. Arranged in descending order of size.
† Excludes support for nationalised industries.
‡ The public expenditure planning total excludes expenditure by the nationlised industries (and some other public corporations treated similarly) financed from internal sources. For consistency the trading income and rent of these bodies are excluded from income in this table. The trading income of the remaining public corporations are included in the public corporations adjustments. The public corporations concerned are listed in part 5 of Cmnd. 8494.
● After deducting maintenance costs, after addition of subsidies but before deducting depreciation or interest.
** See table 19 Financial Statement and Budget Report 1982–83 (HC 237).

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