HC Deb 18 March 1982 vol 20 c185W
Mr. Cartwright

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will give, for each year from 1971–72 to 1981–82 and on a comparable price basis, the figures for local authority current expenditure as initially allowed for in the rate support grant settlement for each year and outturn for the year showing the percentage overspend or underspend.

Mr. King

The available figures are as follows:

England and Wales
Year Net Current Expenditure*
Settlement Assumption (£ million November 80 prices †) Outturn (£ million November 80 prices†) Excess of outturn over Settlement per cent.
1974–75 ‡n/a 16,050 n/a
1975–76 16,560 16,850 +1.7
1976–77 16,960 16,890 -0.4
1977–78 17,020 16,520 -2.9
1978–79 17,030 17,060 +0.2
1979–80 **17,310 17,330 +0.1
1980–81 16,630 ††l7,050 +2.5
1981–82 ‡‡16,124.9 [●16,947] [+5.1]
* As defined in the RSG settlement each year: there are slight differences in the definition between years.
† Plans and expenditure converted to November 1980 prices, as defined for the 1981–82 settlement, using a single repricing factor for each year prior to 1981–82.
‡ Current expenditure not separately identified in 1974–75 settlement.
** Original settlement.
†† Provisional.
‡‡Sum of separate settlements for England and Wales.
● Revised budgets, latest figures, for England; revised estimates, October 1981, for Wales.