HC Deb 10 March 1982 vol 19 cc429-30W
Mr. Stainton

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what discussions he has held with manufacturers and operators of vending, change dispensing machines and the like, regarding the practicability of the new 20p and £1 coins in such machines.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

Following a statement in the House of Commons on 27 January 1981, the Royal Mint issued a consultative document to a large number of organisations in the United Kingdom giving details of the proposed specifications of the new 20p and £1 coins. About 100 organisations responded including transport undertakings, clearing banks and utility services. The organisations with special interest in vending and change dispensing machines who responded were:

  • The Automatic Vending Association of Britain
  • British Amusement Catering Trades Association
  • The National Association of Cigarette Machine Operators

Changes in the proposed specifications were made to meet the views expressed by the organisations consulted.

from associated EEC and other countries at a reduced or preferential rate of duty; and, if so, if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the incidence of duty and so on, excluding such imports.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne


To exclude from the table imports dutied at less than the full rate would be time-consuming and costly and could not be justified. The relative incidence of duties on agricultural and industrial products imported from countries other than EC member States and countries having a preferential arrangement with the Community was as follows:

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