HC Deb 01 March 1982 vol 19 c44W
Mr. Rooker

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what proportion of general and pensioner household expenditure is formed by housing cost; and if this has changed over the past two years.

Mr. Waddington

The family expenditure survey shows the following proportions of pensioner household expenditure and total household expenditure formed by housing costs for the last three available years.

Housing Costs* as percentage of total expenditure
Pensioners Households† All Households
1 person 2 persons
1978 26.2 15.4 14.8
1979 24.7 15.5 14.6
1980‡ 26.8 17.0 15.0
* Comprises rent and rates (net of rebates), imported rent of owner-occupied housing and those living rent-free, water and sewage charges and expenditure on insurance of structure, repairs, maintenance and decorating.
† A "pensioner" household is defined as one in which at least three-quarters of the total income of the household is derived from national Insurance retirement and similar pensions, including benefits paid in supplement to, or instead of, such pensions. The two-person households comprise one man and one woman.
‡ Results for the family expenditure survey for 1980 will be published very shortly.