HC Deb 28 June 1982 vol 26 c221W
Mr. Knox

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) from information available from international sources, what was the gross domestic product per head at factor cost in each of the other European Community countries for the most recent year for which figures are available; and how this compares with the figure for the United Kingdom;

(2) from information available from international sources, what was the gross domestic product per head at factor cost in Canada for the most recent year for which information is available; and how this compares with the figure for the United Kingdom.

Mr. Brittan

It is convenient to take these two questions together.

The latest available information is given in the table below. The figures are valued at current market prices, the basis used in international sources.

Gross domestic product at market prices, per capita, in 1980.
US Dollars
Based on exchange rates Based on purchasing power parities
Canada 10582 na
Belgium 11816 8724
Denmark 12952 9087
France 12136 9040
W. Germany 13305 9428
Greece 4210 4683
Irish Republic 5193 5066
Italy 6906 7202
Luxembourg 12570 9822
Netherlands 11851 8614
United Kingdom 9335 7629

na = not available.

Source: National Accounts of OECD Countries 1951–1980 Volume 1.

It is well recognised that the use of market exchange rates to convert GDP estimates to a common unit of measurement can give very misleading results because the rates do not necessarily reflect the relative purchasing power of the national currencies in terms of the goods and services available in the countries being compared. A more realistic assessment is given by the use of purchasing power parities to convert to a common unit. Estimates on this basis are available for the EC countries and are given above.