HC Deb 25 June 1982 vol 26 cc184-5W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) how many sixth form colleges and how many schools with sixth forms there are in the State sector of education;

(2) what is the average teacher to pupil ratio in secondary schools which include a sixth form in the State sector of education;

(3) what is the average teacher to pupil ratio in sixth form and tertiary colleges in the State sector of education.

Dr. Boyson

The information requested for maintained secondary schools, including sixth form colleges, in England for January 1981 is as follows. The average pupil-teacher ratio for tertiary colleges is not readily available.

Maintained secondary schools with sixth forms
Number of schools Pupil-teacher ratio †
Schools with pupils aged 16 years and over* on O-level/CSE courses or above:
Sixth form colleges 100 11.6
Other types of secondary school 2,859 16.4
Total 2,959 16.2
of which schools with pupils on A level courses 2,483 16.1
* Pupils aged 16 years and over on 31 August 1980.
† Pupils per qualified teacher.